European Velostops:
Modules, Submodules, Polymodules
(w/ Tom Wu)

Location: EU
Type: Proposal

This project was completed with Tom Wu for an open competition to design portable housing for bike tours.

PROTOTYPE:What if one module is a device that could solve multiple problems?

This proposal for the European Velo Stops Competition, a competition to design a housing solution for bicyclists crossing the European continent during the summer. After researching, we created a proposal that pursues maximum portability, and sustainability in support of accommodating a variety of different users.

Essentially, the proposal is for 2 pods (modules) that are capable of linking in a variety of ways (submodules) to accommodate different functionality. The linked units (polymodules) can be brought together at different stops along the journey to form customized camping experiences for different groups with different needs.



RESEARCH/PROCESS/IDEATION: What if we understood who the user is to address their specific needs?

Given the task of designing housing, we needed to know for whom is this being created. Bikers are not a monolithic group. There a many tiers of bikers from the most extreme athletes to those that are leisurely social bikers. Given this we were tasked with answering the question, “How can this design address the variability of the group?” The configuration deployment of the module could easily address the composition of the group. Maybe there is a relaxed rider configuration that is focused on seating, socialization, and comfort, for example.


The final solution is a variety of solutions. By remixing the different types of housing modules (shower module vs storage module) and setting them in differing configurations unto themselves (sleeping, picnic bench, bike mechanic, bike storage) a group of riders can find a formula to meet their own needs. A leisure/socially-inclined group can create a social hub with more functionality geared toward resting and group socializing. A hardcore group can gear toward repairing and recovery, even laying out shape that is more private for individuals.